Passion-Filled Motivation for Start up Founders

Listen and ask questions – Jacqueline Novogratz

12 Dec , 2016  

listen and ask questions - Jacqueline Novogratz

Quote “Listening is not only about waiting, but it’s also learning how to better ask questions.”- Jacqueline Novogratz Interpretation Most people think that in a meeting, we should speak and share our thoughts. Even worst, some people think that if you do not speak, they believe that you are absent or shy. On the other hand, others […]


Why most startups fail?

4 Dec , 2016  

Why most startups fail?

There are over 100 reasons why startups fail. Here are just the most common mistakes that most people makes when starting a business. This includes examples of failure I hear all the time, other studies or simply personal experiences. In fact, this is probably what I have done the best so far, making all the […]
