Passion-Filled Motivation for Start up Founders
Most people use social media to communicate with their friends or keep in touch with their business contacts. In fact, every teenager and young adults are using social networking websites on a daily basis. Even seniors are now using them more and more to communicate with their children. You do use social media There is not point […]
Of course, everyone agrees that any businesses started with a business idea. In fact, Microsoft started writing software for computers. Apple started building computers in their garage. Facebook started a university networking website. But is it really enough to have an idea in order to succeed? Many people believe that if you have a great idea, […]
Since Internet was available for everyone to use, people were able to communicate with each other globally. In fact, people were easily able to start a business without a shop and it has become easier for anyone to become an entrepreneur. Nowadays, most people can become an entrepreneur if they just have the will to never give […]
There are over 100 reasons why startups fail. Here are just the most common mistakes that most people makes when starting a business. This includes examples of failure I hear all the time, other studies or simply personal experiences. In fact, this is probably what I have done the best so far, making all the […]